Specialists in the supply of quality sustainable timber

Dart Valley Timber

South Devon based sawmill, milling hard and softwood from well-managed local woodlands

South Devon based sawmill, milling hard and softwood from well-managed local woodlands

South Devon based sawmill, milling hard and softwood from well-managed local woodlands

Dart Valley Timber is a sawmill situated in the beautiful Dart valley, near Totnes. We process and stock local, sustainably managed timber, specialising in sawing and stocking local hard and soft woods, and bespoke milling.

Answering the need for sustainable timber

In 2014, local carpenter & furniture maker, Zav Bowden, set up the 'Dart Valley Timber' saw mill with the intention of processing locally sourced timber, which could be sold for local building and carpentry projects. The mill would become central to the Totnes economy, providing jobs for local people and circulating money through other local businesses.

The saw mill sources trees from small local woodlands which are well managed, often by the National Trust and Woodland Trust. A variety of timber is processed by the mill, including softwoods like larch and pine, for the building industry and hardwoods like oak and walnut for more bespoke carpentry projects. Alongside milling local wood, Zav has a thriving firewood business that makes use of any of the 'waste' wood that can't be used for building.

Ten years, on and the sawmill is thriving, with a rolling stock of high quality air-dried hard and softwoods, as well as milling bespoke and custom wood projects to order.

As the sawmill matures, the focus is on cutting and air-drying local hardwood that will keep Devon’s woodworking artisans and construction workers supplied with excellent quality local timber, with a specialism in helping bespoke carpentry projects that benfit from Zav's experience as a skilled and knowledgeable woodsman.

He comments, "I really enjoy helping people realise projects that can't be sawed by other local mills - or that need specialist knowledge and equipment". 

Participation in the Reconomy Project

Participation in the Reconomy Project

We pitched our businees at the Community of Dragons event in 2014.
"I raised about £30k of 'patient capital' from the event and also through the contacts I made via the Reconomy network.
I was also offered a huge amount of support from the community and, given that I was nervous about the pitch, it was one of the best things I could have done for my business at the time. It enabled me to get started and I employed my first helper."

The help didn't end there, including kind support from local farmer Oliver Watson, who gave the mill a home on land near Riverford Farm.

A Big Thank you from Argand Solutions.

"Without the support of the LEF, it would have taken a lot longer to get going and I would have had to take a business loan on not such favourable terms. It was great that our community was willing to help a local business and 10 years later, I'm still going strong"

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